Oliver’s of Knebworth. ‘Mk IV Carp’.10ft.
Oliver’s of Knebworth. ‘Mk IV Carp’.10ft.
Ultimate Mk IV with B James bag
Catalogue entry: “A word or two about the quality one should expect… Our cane rods are constructed from selected tonkin poles which are matched and then hand tempered over an open flame. This is a far superior practice than the commonly used technique of placing bamboos in ovens, as each bamboo varies in the amount of baking required. Cane is then split by hand and each strand is straightened. Knots are hand pressed - rather than by the usual commercial method of sanding large volumes of cane off the spot. This results in our cane having a straight grain running throughout its length and small, compact knots”. A matter of fact description of some of the reasons why Oliver’s rods are revered by those who appreciate true craftsmanship.
See: Carp rods/ p.100, 'One Man One Rod', David Petty